As family of an addicted loved one, you spend a significant amount of time searching for answers to help your loved one. Getting hooked into the worry, fear and turmoil of the tornado is inevitable. Getting stuck in fear is part of the dynamic that helps your loved one stay stuck. Sometimes talking about it helps and sometimes it is not enough. When talking isn't enough, and you are stuck in the patterns of acting, reacting and rescuing, hypnotherapy can help you find your answers. You stop yourself from doing the things differently out of fear (False Evidence Appearing Real). Hypnotherapy helps you move around that conscious or critical mind that is self defeating, allowing you to get out of your own way and shift those false beliefs and irrational fears. By working with your subconscious mind, you can learn things about yourself and heal the parts and situations that prevent you from helping your addicted loved one in a way that will support them in finding recovery. |
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