Boundaries Workshop
Having limits and rules in your relationship with your addicted loved one is a way of keeping you safe and changing the way you're treated.
Setting and maintaining boundaries is the foundation of changing the dynamic of your relationship with your addicted loved one. The problem is no one says, "Thank you very much!" when you start setting the boundaries you need. Learning how to set and maintain boundaries effectively is the key to creating a change in circumstance that will support your loved one in moving toward recovery.
In this four-hour interactive boundaries workshop,
you will be given tools to:
• Learn how to create fences instead of walls,
• Learn how to say "No" without guilt or fear,
• Learn the language to hold your boundaries, rather
than getting worn down,
• Stop doing too much for others, becoming
exhausted and feeling used.
Join us and find your key to starting the journey to taking your power back and supporting your loved one.